Tammy Everts

Can Third-Party Scripts Take Down Your Entire Site?

Date: This event took place live on June 04 2014

Presented by: Tammy Everts

Duration: Approximately 60 minutes.

Cost: Free

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Do you know how many third-party scripts your pages are currently running? And do you know how many of those scripts are affecting your site's performance — either by slowing down page rendering or by potentially blocking the entire page?

If you don't know the answer to these questions, you're not alone. The rampant proliferation of third-party scripts makes them difficult to manage and control. In this webcast led by Tammy Everts, you'll walk through a process for testing the scripts on your pages to see which ones represent a SPOF. We'll also review an 11-step plan for bullet-proofing your site against third-party failure.

About Tammy Everts

Performance evangelist at Radware. I inhale data. I exhale reports, blog posts, and random tweets.

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