Motif Programming Manual

1 Preface 2 Introduction to Motif 3 The Motif Programming Model 4 Overview of the Motif Toolkit 5 The Main Window 6 Introduction to Dialogs 7 Selection Dialogs 8 Custom Dialogs 9 Manager Widgets 10 ScrolledWindows and ScrollBars 11 The DrawingArea Widget 12 Labels and Buttons 13 The List Widget 14 The Scale Widget 15 Text Widgets 16 Menus 17 Interacting With the Window Manager 18 The Clipboard 19 Drag and Drop 20 Compound Strings 21 Signal Handling 22 Advanced Dialog Programming 23 Introduction to UIL 24 Using the UIL Compiler 25 Creating a User Interface With UIL 26 Building an Application With UIL 27 Advanced UIL Programming 28 Additional Example Programs