
Java in a Nutshell

Errata for Java in a Nutshell, Sixth Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 49
line 17

The variable declaration

float x = 1.0, y = 1.0;

generates a compile-time error:

Type mismatch: cannot convert from double to float

Note from the Author or Editor:
Change to:

float x = 1.0f, y = 1.0f;

Dr. Horst Schirmeier  Apr 09, 2015  Jun 05, 2015
Page 36
1st paragraph

In the paragraph describing side-effects of the pre-increment operator, 'a' is erroneously referred to as 'a+'

Line 4 of the page reads:

operator are evaluated first. As the operands of ++ are both a+, these are evaluated

It should read:

operator are evaluated first. As the operands of ++ are both a, these are evaluated

Benjamin Doblack  Jan 21, 2015  Jun 05, 2015
PDF, ePub
Page 13
bottom of page

Typo in:
"so the pace of these changes may not satsify detractors

Should be:
"so the pace of these changes may not satisfy detractors

Alexander Cerna  Jan 15, 2015  Jun 05, 2015
Page ?
loc 450 approx in mobi file

Typo in sentence:

"Even simple Java statments such..."

Chris Gittings  Jan 14, 2015  Jun 05, 2015
Page 232
2nd paragraph

To inherit individual tags, use it like this:

@param index @{inheritDoc}
@return @{inheritDoc}

Ampersands need to be enclosed inside braces to be consistent like so:

@param index {@inheritDoc}
@return {@inheritDoc}

Note from the Author or Editor:
Ah OK - having picked apart this bug report, his other one makes more sense. This is actually a valid report - but he's typo'd in it. He's said "Ampersands" here, but he means "@-signs". His other bug report is effectively a bug report on his own bug report.

Rob Gregor  Dec 15, 2014  Jun 05, 2015
Page 41
3rd paragraph.

You cannot use these operators with floating-point, boolean, array, or object
operands. When used with boolean operands, the &, |, and \^ operators perform a
different operation, as described in the previous section.

Backslash before carat is extraneous.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The ^ operator is instead shown as \^ in the places the reporter indicates. The source for the book was automatically converted (as the 5th Edition used an older publishing framework), and this error is a result of that conversion process. To fix it, simply remove the unecessary \ from before the ^ operator in the book source.

Rob Gregor  Nov 21, 2014  Jun 05, 2015
Page xvi
Examples online

The examples in this book are available online and can be downloaded from the
home page for the book at

The link to the examples does NOT work. I get a 404 error.

Note from the Author or Editor:
This one is completely on me. I will be in touch with my editor directly to figure out how to get the necessary files uploaded.

Evita Chapa  Nov 07, 2014  Jun 05, 2015
Page 32
table 2.2 item 14

You show the multiply operator as \* . This also occurs in a later example on page on page 35 under side effects.

For example, the expression a\*=2 can also be written as a=a\*2.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The multiplication operator * is instead shown as \* in the places the reporter indicates. The source for the book was automatically converted (as the 5th Edition used an older publishing framework), and this error is a result of that conversion process. To fix it, simply remove the unecessary \ from before the * operator in the book source.

Michael McCaslin  Oct 24, 2014  Jun 05, 2015
Page 301
1st paragraph (page given was a kindle location)

"... and the difference between Java and other types of programming environment consider..."

"environment" should be plural.

Josh  Sep 01, 2014  Oct 10, 2014
Page 277
1st paragraph (page given was a kindle location)

"The many new features in the 1.2 release led Sun to rebrand the platfor, as..."

"platform" is mispelled

Josh  Sep 01, 2014  Oct 10, 2014
Page 34
2nd last paragraph

"the expression a\*=2 can also be written as a=a\*2" should be:
"the expression a *=2 can also be written as a=a *2"

Alex Burger  Aug 15, 2014  Jun 05, 2015

The cover page in the PDF version is several times larger than the content pages, rendering "zoom to fit" in a PDF reader useless because it "zooms" to fit the extra large title page and the content pages are unreadably small.

Chris Simpkins  Jun 23, 2014  Oct 10, 2014
PDF, ePub
Example 3-3. Extending the Circle class

public double getCentreX() {
return cy;

should be

public double getCentreY(){
return cy;

Evgeniy Mednov  May 29, 2014  Oct 10, 2014