How do I iterate a hash map in Java?

Learn to iterate HashMaps using forEach and Java 8’s new lambda syntax.

By Brian L. Gorman
September 16, 2016
Screenshot from "How to iterate a HashMap in Java" Screenshot from "How to iterate a HashMap in Java"

HashMaps are often considered preferable to other lookup structures due to their computational efficiency and should be a part of every Java developer’s repertoire. In this video, expert trainer Brian Gorman outlines the anatomy of a HashMap and then takes you through various methods for accessing key-value pairs from a HashMap. After watching this short tutorial, intermediate Java developers will be able to iterate HashMaps using forEach and Java 8’s new lambda syntax, while avoiding concurrent modification exceptions.

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Brian L. Gorman is an experienced .NET developer, certified as an MCSD in C# .NET. Holding a Masters of Science in computer information systems, he has many years of experience instructing college-level SQL database, C#, VB.NET, Java, and Microsoft Office courses. Brian has also authored a number of full technical video courses on these subjects.

Post topics: Software Engineering
Post tags: Questions