Manage your boss

In this video training segment, Dr. Adam Grant chats with authors Lois Kelly and Carmen Medina about understanding your boss and offers tips and tricks to manage up.

By Carmen Medina and Lois Kelly
February 5, 2016
J. Peress' 1-atm dive suit, Tritonia, explored the Lusitania wreck in 1935. Jim Jarrett was Peress's chief diver and made this dive to 312 feet. This suit was a precursor to the "Jim" suit, named for Jim Jarrett. J. Peress' 1-atm dive suit, Tritonia, explored the Lusitania wreck in 1935. Jim Jarrett was Peress's chief diver and made this dive to 312 feet. This suit was a precursor to the "Jim" suit, named for Jim Jarrett. (source: NOAA Photo Library on Wikimedia Commons)

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