Achiever learning styles, 102-3, 106 | parking lot (off-agenda items), 153 |
Acquainters, 34, 36 | participants, observing, 153 |
Active listening, 119 | participation, encouraging, 152 |
Adjourning, team development stage, | pauses, 159 |
117-18 |
pitch of voice, 158 |
Affinity diagrams, 69-71 | productive climate, 151 |
Agenda | professionalism, 153 |
establishing, 36-39 |
projection, 158 |
preparation of, 26-30 |
pronunciation, 158 |
sticking to, 151 |
questions, asking, 152 |
Agreements from participants, 48 | reframing, 155 |
Alternatives, 56-57 | restarting meeting, 150 |
Analogies, 46 | reviewing meeting objectives, agenda, |
Analysis of problem, 56 | 151 |
Appointing participants for key tasks, 151 | room preparation, 149-50 |
Appropriateness of group, ... |
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