A permissions, 109
accomplishments, celebrating, 170 rehearsal and determining
Adobe Connect, 21, 131 experience of, 139-143
Adobe Flash, 31 responses to presenters, 107, 172
animation, use of, 24, 100, 116 role of, 43
annotation tool bar, 115 Audience Analysis Checklist, 8,
annotation tools 12-14
arrows, 117 audio, 22-24
color, setting, 116 AVI, 31
drawing, 116-117
highlighters, 116 B
improving use of, 114-119 barriers, identifying, 7-9
purpose for, 29-30, 103-104 best practices, 169
rehearsal using, 141-141 body of content, 81-83
stamps, 118 box tool, 30
text tools, 118-119 Brainshark, 31
Apple Keynote, 98 BrightTALK, 16, 72
application and desktop sharing, browser-based platforms, 20
24-26 ...

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