Job:01106 Title:1000 Garment Graphics
1ST PROOF Page:6
01-07 01106.indd 601-07 01106.indd 6 9/11/08 10:26:27 AM9/11/08 10:26:27 AM
Job:01106 Title:1000 Garment Graphics
1ST PROOF Page:7
01-07 01106.indd 701-07 01106.indd 7 9/11/08 10:26:35 AM9/11/08 10:26:35 AM
arments, and garment graphics in particular, are ubiquitous. On any given street you may
see dozens—if not hundreds—of people wearing different patterns, images, and phrases on
shirts, purses, shoes, coats, dresses, and much more. Most of the time these graphics tend
to be bland and stale; landscape noise that fades into the mind’s background as you tend
to your thoughts. Uninteresting doodles, generic logos, and mindless fluff are put together haphazardly to
appeal to the lowest common amoeba; filler to make a blank $1 T-shirt worth $3.
On occasion, though, there will be an image that makes you do a double take. The graphic will snap
you out of your thoughts and make you smile, smirk, think, or just feel bewildered. The sensibility is proudly
distinct, possibly using inside jokes, sarcasm, fringe culture iconography, painfully rendered type, or satire of
a beloved idol. These graphics stand in stark contrast to the overwhelming homogenization and conservatism
that characterize committee-created corporate products, which are cool only if you can poke fun at them.
This book is a unique collection of garments that bring a sparkle to the jaded eyes of the passerby.
From around the world, the designers whose work is featured in this book have elevated garment graphics
from a piece of cloth to be forgotten in a closet, to proud displays of personality and wit to be showcased
like a heart on your sleeve.
Job:01106 Title:1000 Garment Graphics
1ST PROOF Page:7
01-07 01106.indd 701-07 01106.indd 7 9/11/08 10:26:35 AM9/11/08 10:26:35 AM
Job:01106 Title:1000 Garment Graphics (Rockport)
1st PROOF Page:8
008-027 01106.indd 8008-027 01106.indd 8 10/7/08 2:54:11 PM10/7/08 2:54:11 PM
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Job:01106 Title:1000 Garment Graphics (Rockport)
1st PROOF Page:8
008-027 01106.indd 8008-027 01106.indd 8 10/7/08 2:54:11 PM10/7/08 2:54:11 PM
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