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As the hot new Spanish
fashion design duo
to come out in recent
years, Isaacymanu
have quickly been
noticed and started
to set trends. Isaac
Fabregat and Manuel
Olarte impress with
geometry and science-
designs, bright neon
colors all condensed
on oversize T-shirts
and slim  t sweaters
and  eece. They cite
disco culture, ice, and
the bottom of the sea
as inspirations and the
result couldn’t be any
quirkier. After meeting
in Madrid in 2003, they
decided to relocate to
fashion hotspot Paris
some years later, only
to mention London
as their next hub.
Clearly, postmodern
city-hopping is another
of their in uencing
drives. Their F/W 09
collection, “Sous le
Prisme,” is inspired by
light effects as they pass
through a prism, and it
has received a wealth
of press coverage and
retail success.
Isaac Fabregat, Manuel Olarte/Isaacymanu
136 1,000 Ideas by 100 Fashion Designers
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