06-20006 Job:06-19654 Title:RP-1000 Product Designs
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about the author
Eric Chan is the founder and creative director of ECCO Design, the
highly esteemed product design studio based in New York City. ECCO’s
mission is to bring a meta-culture philosophy to the highest level of
consultancy, specializing in product identity and development. ECCO
has worked Herman Miller, Virgin, Toyota, LG Electronics, and Lenovo.
about the designer
Lucille Tenazas is principal of Tenazas Design and a professor in the
School of Art, Media and Technology at Parsons The New School for
Design. She graduated with an MFA in Design from Cranbrook Academy
of Art. She has collaborated with Eric Chan on a number of projects.
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         
Design Tenazas Design
rn cer iages Norihiko Inoue, Manuel Saez & Design Team,
Cesaroni Design Associates, Inc., Whipsaw, Inc., Ecco Design, Tiller Design Pty, Ltd.
ac cer iages Peter Stathis & Virtual Studio, Ecco Design, Cerruti Baleri,
Smart Design, Michael Sodeau Partnership, Michael Sodeau Partnership
ine iage PearsonLloyd
rine in China
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