Chapter 91. Seeing STARS: Group Interdependence



To explore the concept of “co-opetition” (a blend of cooperation and competition) through group interdependence. Participants will unscramble words by finding common missing letter sets.

Time Required

Approximately 40 to 50 minutes

Group Size

Ten to thirty individuals


  • One Seeing STARS Card for each participant

  • One Seeing STARS Card Sets Answer Sheet for each subgroup

  • One sheet of paper and a pencil for each participant

  • Small box or large envelope as receptacle for cards

  • Timer or stopwatch

  • Flip chart and felt-tipped marker for recording

  • Prize for the winning group


  1. Prior to the session, prepare the five card sets by duplicating each sheet onto card stock and cutting each sheet into individual cards. (Alternatively, print the letters and identification symbol for each card onto a 3″ × 5″ index card.) Allow a card for each participant with at least one card from each of the five different symbol sets, and place these into a small box or large envelope, mixing them thoroughly. Position a flip chart and felt-tipped marker in a centrally located area of the room.

  2. At the session, explain that the participants will be practicing their problem-solving abilities, first as individuals and then as groups. Do not reveal the name of the activity ...

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