Chapter 1. 2017 Ops Salary Survey

Executive Summary

The operations (Ops) required to keep an organization’s increasingly important technical infrastructure up and running is a key part of any company. The roles and duties performed by those working in the Ops space vary widely by company, industry, geography, and infrastructure type. This report looks into what operations professionals do, how much they are compensated, how they are seen within their companies, and how they rate different aspects of their jobs.

Some key points include the following:

  • The median salary of all respondents is $100,000.

  • Ops professionals at larger companies earn more money.

  • Despite working long hours, more than half of respondents said they were happy with their work–life balance.

  • 21 percent of Ops professionals know the programming language Go.

  • Most (>60 percent) of companies deploy to production on a daily or weekly basis.

  • 58 percent of companies still use standard datacenters.

We invite you to use this report to find insights about your own career or organization, and hope that you will take the time to fill out the survey for next year’s report.


In this, O’Reilly Media’s first Ops Salary Survey, we collected data that give us a well-rounded picture of what it’s like to work in the space between software development and IT known as Ops. More than 650 respondents from 56 different countries and 40 US states within the United States took part in the survey, answering ...

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