Designing Safe ATMs*
Michael S. Scott and Randall I. Atlas
There is a scene in the movie LA Story with Steve Martin and Sarah Jessica Parker that shows them
going to an ATM on the outside of a bank in Los Angeles late one night. A line of yuppies is with-
drawing cash for late-night dining and clubbing, and adjacent to them, a line of robbers in typical
robber garb … masks, shotguns, knives, handgun, and so on. A robber waits for Steve Martin to
make his withdrawal and then introduces himself: “Hi, I’m Bob. Ill be your robber tonight!” The
robber takes the money and walks away (see Figure 23.1). A very funny scene, but in real life people
get hurt and killed. Both Atlas and Scott have been hired as a premises security negligence expert
on a dozen cases involving robbery and assault at ATMs or drive-through deposits.
Portions of the text in this chapter consist of content found in the following publication: Robbery at Automated Teller
Machines, Guide No. 8, Michael S. Scott, Center for Problem-Oriented Policing, ISBN: 0471475815, 2001 (www.
popcenter.org). We offer special thanks to the Center for Problem-Oriented Policing, Inc., and the U.S. Department of
Justice, Ofce of Community Oriented Policing Services for permission to reproduce common content in this work.
Imposing Mandatory Minimum-Security Standards .....................................................................562
Using Civil Liability ......................................................................................................................563
Specic Responses to Reduce ATM Robbery ................................................................................565
Altering Lighting, Landscaping, and Location .............................................................................. 566
Ensuring Adequate Lighting at and around ATMs .................................................................... 566
Ensuring That the Landscaping around ATMs Allows for Good Visibility ..............................568
Installing Mirrors on ATMs .......................................................................................................569
Installing ATMs Where There Is a Lot of Natural Surveillance and Potential
forVisibilityby Others..............................................................................................................569
Installing ATMs in Police Stations ............................................................................................569
Relocating, Closing, or Limiting the Hours of Operation of ATMs at High-Risk Sites ...........569
Implementing Public Awareness and Education Initiatives ........................................................... 571
Providing ATM Users with Safety Tips .................................................................................... 571
Using Surveillance ......................................................................................................................... 572
Installing and Monitoring Surveillance Cameras at and around ATMs .................................... 572
Installing Devices to Allow Victims to Summon Police during a Robbery .............................. 574
Deploying Private Security Guards at ATMs ............................................................................ 574
Targeting Offenders ....................................................................................................................... 575
Controlling Street Drug Markets to Reduce the Need for Robbery .......................................... 575
Targeting Repeat Offenders ....................................................................................................... 575
Prohibiting Loitering and Panhandling Near ATMs .................................................................. 575
Hardening Targets and Denying Benets....................................................................................... 576
Requiring That ATMs Be Located in Enclosed Vestibules with Doors That Lock ................... 576
Setting Daily Cash Withdrawal Limits ...................................................................................... 576
Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 576
References ...................................................................................................................................... 577

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