25 Sales Strategies and Activities
Review where Global Approach fits into the Sales Strategy Matrix and why it is positioned where it is.
Ask participants what they think of when they hear the term global as it relates to customers. You should
expect to hear responses that refer to doing business with customers around the world. Ask the group what
opportunities and challenges a global sales strategy might create. List these responses on a flipchart.
Next introduce the concept that global does not necessarily mean across international borders and refer
to Exhibit 19-A, Going Global. Global in this sense relates to the customer’s entire organization and
operations. Now ask participants what comes to mind when they think of global in this sense. Write their
responses on another sheet of flipchart paper and tape it to the wall next to the other sheet. Compare the
similarities between these two lists. Look for commonalities that might be included on these two lists, such
as different goals, ways of doing business, even cultural or language (terminology, technical descriptions,
etc.) differences.
Distribute a copy of Exhibit 19-B, Global Opportunities, to each participant. Have participants answer the
questions on the exhibit.
The focus of this activity should be on completing the last question on Exhibit 19-B, which asks participants
to develop a strategy for approaching their customers to ask them for more global opportunities to be of
service to them.
Reproduced from 25 Sales Strategies and Activities, copyright © 2007.
HRD Press, Inc., Amherst, Massachusetts, www.hrdpress.com
. All rights reserved.
Exhibit 19-A
Going Global
Going global may sound like an awesome challenge. After all, the world is a very big place.
However, a global sales strategy can be not only manageable, but also can be a much more
efficient way of doing business with your customers. Global can mean many things in
addition to international dealings. Global can mean being totally inclusive, serving the
customer’s entire organization.
Reproduced from 25 Sales Strategies and Activities, copyright © 2007.
HRD Press, Inc., Amherst, Massachusetts, www.hrdpress.com
. All rights reserved.
Exhibit 19-B
Global Opportunities
Answer the following questions to gain a better understanding of how a global sales strategy
could help you better serve your customers.
Are there additional opportunities for you to sell your products/service to your customers?
What would be some of these opportunities?
How could providing this more global approach to your customers enable you to better serve
their needs?
How could you make your customers more aware of these benefits of going global and gain
additional business?

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