

Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.


1W amplifier, 93

3 × 4 matrix keypad, 112

3.3V pin operation, 12, 134

7-segment clock, 79–81

    breadboard layout, 80

    hardware for, 79–80

    photo of working, 81

    software for, 80–81

7-Zip program, 8, 9


Adafruit Industries, 135

    7-segment display, 79, 80

    BBIO library, xiii

    component listings, 136–138

    electret microphone, 97

    GPS breakout board, 46

    I2C library, 83

    LED backpack clock, 81

    LED matrix module kit, 36

    Python library, 80

adjustable LED blinker, 20–24

    breadboard ...

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