30 Reasons Employees Hate Their Managers: What Your People May Be Thinking and What You Can Do About It

Book description

  • They're being treated like children

  • Their contributions aren't respected

  • Their manager doesn't listen to them

  • Senior managers are incompetent

  • They lack the resources and training they need to do their jobs well

  • They get insufficient feedback

  • Their pay isn't fairly linked to job performance

  • They are burdened by heavy workloads or inflexible schedules.

  • Featuring real-life examples, this eye-opening book empowers managers to make their workplaces more productive, congenial, and satisfying for their people and for themselves.

    Table of contents

    1. Copyright
      1. Dedication
    2. Foreword
    3. Acknowledgments
    4. Introduction
    5. I. Employees Are Treated Like Children
      1. 1. We feel like slaves
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
        5. Notes
      2. 2. I know how to do my job. Why can’t they just let me do it?
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
        5. Note
      3. 3. I am afraid to speak up
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
      4. 4. Nobody appreciates my hard work
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
        5. Notes
      5. 5. There are different rules for different people
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
        5. Note
    6. II. Employees Aren’t Respected
      1. 6. Management doesn’t listen to us
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
          1. 1. Relationships Among Groups Within an Organizational Hierarchy
          2. 2. The Role of Self-Fulfilling Prophesies
          3. 3. The Faulty Assumption of Finite Power
          4. 4. The Telephone Game
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
        5. Notes
      2. 7. Management doesn’t respect us
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
        5. Note
      3. 8. So who’s in charge anyway?
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
      4. 9. I don’t trust the information I receive from management
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
      5. 10. My boss is a terrible manager
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
        5. Notes
    7. III. Employees Aren’t Receiving What They Really Need
      1. 11. I’ve lost confidence in management
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
      2. 12. We’re understaffed
        1. The Problem for Employers
          1. The Staff Is Slow to Adapt to Changing Technology
          2. Change or Die
          3. Demand Often Changes Faster Than Supply
          4. Staff Cuts Go Too Far
          5. Required Skills Change
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
      3. 13. They don’t tell me what I need to know to do my work
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
      4. 14. We need more training
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
        5. Notes
      5. 15. The quality of our products and services is terrible
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
        5. Note
      6. 16. I receive poor service from other departments
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
        5. Note
      7. 17. There’s too much red tape here
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
        5. Note
      8. 18. Why don’t they get rid of all of the deadwood around here?
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
      9. 19. There are too many damn meetings
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
          1. Not Enough Time Spent on Process
          2. Not Enough Diversity in Perspectives
          3. Dissension Not Valued
          4. Leadership Not Shared
          5. Lack of Commitment to the Meeting’s Goals
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
        5. Note
    8. IV. Employees Feel Unappreciated
      1. 20. I’m not paid fairly
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
        5. Note
      2. 21. It’s just not right that we all receive the same pay
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
      3. 22. My performance reviews are useless
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
      4. 23. There’s no link between my pay and my job performance
        1. The Problem for Employers
          1. 1. Concern About Alienating Good Performers
          2. 2. Necessity of Relying on Subjective Measurements
          3. 3. Difficulty of Using Objective Measures
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
        5. Note
      5. 24. The cost of my benefits is eating up my paycheck
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
      6. 25. It’s impossible to get promoted here
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
        5. Notes
    9. V. W-O-R-K Should Be More Than a Four-Letter Word
      1. 26. I hate coming to work. It’s become just a job for me now
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
      2. 27. There’s no job security here
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
        5. Note
      3. 28. I’ve got no time for myself or my family
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
        5. Notes
      4. 29. I feel trapped. I wish I could go out on my own
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
        5. Notes
      5. 30. My company isn’t committed to me, so why should I be committed to it?
        1. The Problem for Employers
        2. The Psychology of It All
        3. Solutions
        4. Conclusion
    10. Summary: What You Can Do
    11. Epilogue: A Lesson from the Future
    12. Recommended Readings
    13. About the Authors

    Product information

    • Title: 30 Reasons Employees Hate Their Managers: What Your People May Be Thinking and What You Can Do About It
    • Author(s): Bruce L. Katcher, Adam Snyder
    • Release date: March 2007
    • Publisher(s): AMACOM
    • ISBN: None