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Chapter 5Stereoscopy

A New Art?


Why would there be great public interest at this time in 3D?

Well, you know, in life unless one is born with defects, the average person with two eyes sees in three dimensions from early infancy. Even then one scans and looks at side objects. Three-dimension is really the natural form. Once a person has been exposed to three dimensions no matter how badly done, unless their eyeballs are torn out of their sockets by very bad three-dimensional techniques, they want it again and again.

(Arch Oboler in spring 1983 just as the new wave of 3D films like Jaws 3D and Friday the 13th Part III 3D were being released, in 3-D Filmmakers: Conversations with Creators of Stereoscopic Motion Pictures by Ray Zone, p. 2)

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