Bonus: Keeping Score

This is already a pretty impressive game. It looks cool and it’s challenging. So this is a fine stopping point. But if you’d like to add a bit more, here are some bonus features to add.

Time-Based Scoring

Let’s calculate the score like this: you get more points the quicker you finish, and you get bonus points if you can finish really quick. We can do this by adding another check in checkForGameOver().

 function​ checkForGameOver() {
 if​ (raft.position.z > 9.8) {
  gameOver = ​true​;
  scoreboard.message(​"You made it!"​);
 if​ (scoreboard.getTime() > 60) {
  gameOver = ​true​;
  scoreboard.message(​"Time's up. Too slow :("​);
»if​ (gameOver) {

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