Drawing and Editing 2D Splines and Shapes


Working with shape primitives

Editing splines and shapes

Working with spline subobjects

Using spline modifiers

Many modeling projects start from the ground up, and you can't get much lower to the ground than 2D. But this book is on 3D, you say? What place is there for 2D shapes? Within the 3D world, you frequently encounter flat surfaces—the side of a building, the top of a table, a billboard, and so on. All these objects have flat 2D surfaces. Understanding how objects are composed of 2D surfaces will help as you start to build objects in 3D. This chapter examines the 2D elements of 3D objects and covers the tools needed to work with them.

Working in 2D in Max, you use two general objects: splines and shapes. A spline is a special type of line that curves according to mathematical principles. In Max, splines are used to create all sorts of shapes such as circles, ellipses, and rectangles.

You can create splines and shapes using the Create image Shapes menu, which opens the Shapes category on the Create panel. Just as with the other categories, several spline-based shape primitives are available. Spline shapes can be rendered, but they are normally used to create more advanced 3D geometric objects by extruding or lathing the spline. You can even find a whole group of modifiers that apply to splines. You can use splines ...

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