Chapter 2

Taxing Issues


Bullet Understanding why you get tax breaks

Bullet Getting a handle on tax terms

Bullet Taking credit when you can

Bullet Scoping Social Security issues

Bullet Paying taxes before and after you retire

Bullet Being prepared for changes in the tax code

It’s up to you — no one else — to plan for a successful retirement. Government policy makers want you to have the resources to retire successfully so that you don’t become a burden to society. With that goal, the government gives you and your employer tax incentives to encourage you to save and your employer to offer retirement plans to make saving easy.

This chapter talks about the whys and hows of taxes as they relate to retirement accounts.

Realizing the Reasons for Tax Breaks

I hope it’s not news to you that Social Security was never intended to provide an adequate level of retirement income. The additional amount you need to retire ...

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