photographry gold section/ single month
422 New York MagaziNe
Design Director: thomas alberty / art Director: ranDy minor / Director of PhotograPhy: JoDy Quon /
PhotograPher: Danny Kim / senior Photo eDitor: lea golis / associate Photo eDitor: roxanne behr /
Designer: bianca JacKson / eDitor-in-chief: aDam moss / new yorK meDia aPril 2012
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423 SwaLLow MagaziNe
creative Director: James casey / PhotograPher: marcus nilsson / eDitors:
laurence lowe, megan conway / swallow magazine issue no 3 / 2012
photographrY SiLver SectioN/ SiNgLe MoNth
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eSpN the MagaziNe
creative Director: John KorPics / senior Director of Design: Jason lancaster /
senior Director of PhotograPhy: Karen franK / Photo eDitor: nicK galac /
PhotograPher: lanDon norDeman / esPn may 2012
425 FaSt coMpaNY
creative Director: florian bachleDa / art Directors: alice alves, teD Keller /
Director of PhotograPhy: leslie Dela vega / PhotograPher: Platon / mansueto
ventures, llc october 2012
426 MeNS heaLth
creative Director: robert festino / Director of PhotograPhy: Jeanne graves /
assistant art Director: Justin long / PhotograPher: tom schierlitz / roDale
July/august 2012
427 NatioNaL geographic
Design eDitor: oliver uberti / senior Photo eDitor: sarah leen / PhotograPher,
Daily heralD: lance booth / national geograPhic society July 2012
photographrY Merit SectioN/ SiNgLe MoNth
424 425
426 427
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New York MagaziNe
Design Director: tom alberty / art Director: ranDy minor / Designer: stevie
remsberg / PhotograPher: marK Peterson / Director of PhotograPhy: JoDy
Quon / senior Photo eDitor: lea golis / associate Photo eDitor: roxanne behr /
eDitor-in-chief: aDam moss / new yorK meDia february 2012
429 o , the oprah MagaziNe
creative Director: aDam glassman / Design Directors: Priest + grace /
Designer: reena De la rosa / Photo Director: Katherine schaD / Photo eDitor:
melanie chambers / PhotograPher: mauricio aleJo / eDitor-in-chief: susan
casey / hearst corPoration may 2012
430 SportS iLLuStrated 2012
creative Director: chris herciK / Designer: Josh DenKin / PhotograPher: Peter
reaD miller / time inc. august 2012
431 the New Yorker
creative Director: wyatt mitchell / Director of PhotograPhy: whitney
Johnson / PhotograPher: emily shur / Photo eDitors: Jessie wenDer, elissa
curtis, James Pomerantz, maria loKKe / conDé nast Publications march 2012
photographrY Merit SectioN/ SiNgLe MoNth
430 431
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432 w MagaziNe
Design Director: anton iouKhnovets / Photo Director: caroline wolff /
art Director: anna DaviDson / senior Photo eDitor: JacQueline bates /
PhotograPher: horacio salinas / conDé nast Publications December 2012
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