photography gold travel/ food/still life/single/spread
538 BloomBerg Businessweek
Creative DireCtor: riCharD turley / DireCtor of PhotograPhy: DaviD Carthas / DePuty Photo eDitor: emily Keegin /
Photo eDitor: meagan Ziegler-haynes / PhotograPher: Jamie Chung / BloomBerg l.P. oCtoBer 29-novemBer 4, 2012
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231photography silver travel/ food/still life/single/spread
time magazine
DireCtor of PhotograPhy: Kira PollaCK / Design DireCtor: D.W. Pine / senior art DireCtor: emily CraWforD /
assoCiate PiCture eDitor: BrenDa milis / PhotograPher: KenJi aoKi / time inC. aPril 2012
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BlaCk ink
Creative DireCtor: aDam BooKBinDer / art
DireCtor: alexanDer sPaCher / Photo DireCtor:
miChael shome / assoCiate Photo eDitor: tania
fernanDeZ / assistant Photo eDitor: valaria
suasnavas / PhotograPher: Dan Winters /
eDitor-in-Chief: riCharD DaviD story / ameriCan
exPress PuBlishing fall/Winter 2012
541 BloomBerg Businessweek
Creative DireCtor: riCharD turley / art DireCtor:
roBert vargas / Designer: ChanDra illiCK /
DireCtor of PhotograPhy: DaviD Carthas / DePuty
Photo eDitor: emily Keegin / Photo eDitor: Diana
suryaKusuma / PhotograPher: Charlie engman /
BloomBerg l.P. DeCemBer 17-23, 2012
542 Bon appétit
Creative DireCtor: alex grossman / Photo
DireCtor: alex PollaCK / art DireCtor: eliZaBeth
sPiriDaKis / assoCiate Photo eDitor: BrooKe Wolin
/ PhotograPher: PeDen anD munK / ConDé nast
PuBliCations aPril 2012
543 departures
Creative DireCtor: aDam BooKBinDer / art
DireCtor: alexanDer sPaCher / Photo DireCtor:
miChael shome / assoCiate Photo eDitor: tania
fernanDeZ / assistant Photo eDitor: valaria
suasnavas / PhotograPher: tierney gearon /
eDitor-in-Chief: riCharD DaviD story / ameriCan
exPress PuBlishing oCtoBer 2012
544 departures
Creative DireCtor: aDam BooKBinDer / art
DireCtor: alexanDer sPaCher / Photo DireCtor:
miChael shome / assoCiate Photo eDitor: tania
fernanDeZ / assistant Photo eDitor: valaria
suasnavas / PhotograPher: miCaela rossato /
eDitor-in-Chief: riCharD DaviD story / ameriCan
exPress PuBlishing January/feBruary 2012
545 earnshaw s
Creative DireCtors: nanCy CamPBell, trevett
mCCanDliss / PhotograPher: Cleo sullivan / style
DireCtor: miChel onofrio / 9threaDs oCtoBer 2012
photography merit travel/ food/still life/single/spread
540 541
542 543
544 545
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elle déCor
Creative: florentino Pamintuan, anita sarsiDi /
Photo eDitor: Julia Duquette / PhotograPher:
miKKel vang / hearst CorPoration marCh 2012
547 health magazine
Creative DireCtor: lan yin BaChelis / Photo
DireCtor: Jo miller / Designer: maria stegner /
PhotograPher: levi BroWn / time inC. oCtoBer 2012
548 interior design
Creative DireCtor: CinDy allen / DireCtor of
PhotograPhy: helene oBerman / art DireCtor:
marino ZulliCh / Designers: Karla lima, Zigeng li /
PhotograPhers: rolanD halBe, PatriCia ParineJaD
/ sanDoW meDia oCtoBer 2012
549 marie Claire
Creative DireCtor: suZanne syKes / PhotograPhy
DireCtor: Caroline smith / Design DireCtor: Kristin
fitZPatriCK / PhotograPher: Craig Cutler / Photo
eDitor: emily BlanK / hearst CorPoration
DeCemBer 2012
550 mens health
Creative DireCtor: roBert festino / DireCtor of
PhotograPhy: Jeanne graves / PhotograPher:
KenJi toma / roDale sePtemBer 2012
551 psyChology today
Creative DireCtor: eDWarD levine / Photo
DireCtor: ClauDia stefeZius / PhotograPher: Dan
Winters / eDitor-in-Chief: KaJa Perina / levine
Design inC January 2012
546 547
548 549
550 551
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runner’s world
Design DireCtor anD Designer: BenJamen Purvis /
assoCiate Photo eDitor: renee Keith /
PhotograPher: Joe Pugliese / eDitor-in-Chief:
DaviD Willey / eDitor: John atWooD / roDale
oCtoBer 2012
553 sCientifiC ameriCan
Design DireCtor: miChael mraK / art DireCtor: ian
BroWn / PhotograPhy eDitor: moniCa BraDley /
PhotograPher: DaviD liittsChWager / nature
PuBlishing grouP June 2012
554 the new yorker
Creative DireCtor: Wyatt mitChell / DireCtor of
PhotograPhy: Whitney Johnson / Photo eDitors:
Jessie WenDer, elissa Curtis, James PomerantZ,
maria loKKe / PhotograPher: grant Cornett /
ConDé nast PuBliCations sePtemBer 2012
555 the new yorker
Creative DireCtor: Wyatt mitChell / DireCtor of
PhotograPhy: Whitney Johnson / Photo eDitors:
Jessie WenDer, elissa Curtis, James PomerantZ,
maria loKKe / PhotograPher: ChristoPher griffith
/ ConDé nast PuBliCations aPril 23, 2012
556 uCla magazine
Design DireCtor: Charles hess / Photo eDitor:
Charles hess / art DireCtor: suZannah mathur /
PhotograPher: DWight esChliman / stylist: Kevin
Crafts / eDitor: JaCK feuer / Chess Design July 2012
photography merit travel/ food/still life/single/spread
552 553
554 555
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