557 wired
Creative DireCtor: BranDon Kavulla / Design
DireCtor: leo Jung / senior Photo eDitor: Carrie
levy / DireCtor of PhotograPhy: Zana WooDs /
PhotograPher: anDres serrano / ConDé nast
PuBliCations aPril 2012
558 wired italy
art DireCtor: DaviD moretti / Photo eDitor:
franCesCa morosini / Designers: DaviD moretti,
BianCa milani, Daniela sanZiani, anDrea BrinDisi,
massimiliano mauro / eDitor-in-Chief: Carlo
antonelli / ConDé nast international august 2012
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Creative DireCtor: aDam BookBinDer / art DireCtor: alexanDer SpaCher / photo DireCtor: miChael Shome /
aSSoCiate photo eDitor: tania FernanDez / aSSiStant photo eDitor: valaria SuaSnavaS / photographer:
marCuS nilSSon / eDitor-in-ChieF: riCharD DaviD Story / ameriCan expreSS puBliShing Fall/Winter 2012
photogrAphy goLd trAveL/ food/still life/story
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237photogrAphy sILver trAveL/ food/still life/story
560 truNK
Creative DireCtor: DaviD CiCConi / DeSign DireCtor: pamela Berry / photo
DireCtor: katie Dunn / photographer: JaSon Florio / eDitor-in-ChieF: Diane
vaDino / trunk meDia Fall/Winter 2012
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BoN AppétIt
Creative DireCtor: alex groSSman / photo
DireCtor: alex pollaCk / art DireCtor: elizaBeth
SpiriDakiS / aSSoCiate photo eDitor: Brooke Wolin
/ photographer: peDen anD munk / ConDé naSt
puBliCationS april 2012
562 BoN AppétIt
Creative DireCtor: alex groSSman / photo
DireCtor: alex pollaCk / art DireCtor: elizaBeth
SpiriDakiS / photo eDitor: SuSan getzenDanner /
photographer: Ditte iSager / ConDé naSt
puBliCationS oCtoBer 2012
563 BoN AppétIt
Creative DireCtor: alex groSSman / photo
DireCtor: alex pollaCk / art DireCtor: elizaBeth
SpiriDakiS / photo eDitor: SuSan getzenDanner /
aSSoCiate photo eDitor: Brooke Wolin
photographer: Ditte iSager / ConDé naSt
puBliCationS 2012
564 CoNdé NAst trAveLer
photo DireCtor: kathleen kleCh / photo eDitor:
JoCelyn miller / photographer: mitChell FeinBerg
/ StyliSt: momoko takeDa / ConDé naSt
puBliCationS July 2012
565 depArtures
Creative DireCtor: aDam BookBinDer / art
DireCtor: alexanDer SpaCher / photo DireCtor:
miChael Shome / aSSoCiate photo eDitor: tania
FernanDez / aSSiStant photo eDitor: valaria
SuaSnavaS / photographer: ilan ruBin / eDitor-in-
ChieF: riCharD DaviD Story / ameriCan expreSS
puBliShing January/FeBruary 2012
566 eLLe déCor
Creative: Florentino pamintuan, anita SarSiDi /
photo eDitor: Julia Duquette / photographer:
mikkel vang / hearSt Corporation marCh 2012
photogrAphy merIt trAveL/ food/still life/story
561 562
563 564
565 566
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567 everydAy
wIth rAChAeL rAy
Creative DireCtor: Jill armuS / photography
DireCtor: kim gougenheim / photographer: kenJi
toma / mereDith Corporation marCh 2012
568 everydAy
wIth rAChAeL rAy
Creative DireCtor: Jill armuS / photo DireCtor:
kim gougenheim / photographer: gentl & hyerS /
mereDith Corporation novemBer 2012
569 gArdeN &guN
art DireCtor: marShall mCkinney / photography
DireCtor: maggie Brett kenneDy / photographer:
peter Frank eDWarDS / garDen & gun llC oCtoBer/
novemBer 2012
570 good houseKeepINg
Creative DireCtor: Courtney murphy / art
DireCtor: trent JohnSon / photo DireCtor: Bill
SWan / photographer: Con pouloS / eDitor-in-
ChieF: roSemary elliS / hearSt Corporation
FeBruary 2012
571 gq
DeSign DireCtor: FreD WooDWarD / Creative
DireCtor: Jim moore / DireCtor oF photography:
Dora SomoSi / photo eDitor: JuStin o’neill /
DeSigner: John munoz / photographer: riCharD
BurBriDge / ConDé naSt puBliCationS may 2012
572 heALth mAgAzINe
Creative DireCtor: lan yin BaCheliS / photo
DireCtor: Jo miller / DeSigner: ramon gamarra /
photographer: levi BroWn / time inC. June 2012
567 568
569 570
571 572
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