digital gold app of the year
723 KATAchI MAGAzIne
Creative DireCtor: Ken olling / eDitor: Max Berg / KataChi MeDia
issue 1 - heroine issue 2 - FroM issue 3 - golD 2012
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DIGITAL sILver App Of The yeAr
Creative DireCtor: Bill Marr / Deputy Creative DireCtor: Kaitlin yarnall / Design DireCtor: DaviD WhitMore / art DireCtor: Juan velasCo / DireCtor oF photography:
Dennis DiMiCK / DireCtor, Digital eDitions: lisa lytton / DireCtor, eleCtroniC puBlishing: Melissa Wiley / Designer, Digital eDition: Bethany poWell / viDeo DireCtor:
hans Weise / graphiC Design speCialists: steWart Bean, Kevin DiCesare / national geographiC soCiety May 2012 noveMBer 2012 DeCeMBer 2012
724 724
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725 fAsT cOMpAny
Creative DireCtors: Florian BaChleDa, Joe ZeFF /
art DireCtors: aliCe alves, teD Keller / Designers:
Claire eCKstroM, Josh penroD, Christopher
holeWsKi, Krissi xenaKis, eMily ragle, ian BroWn /
DireCtor oF photography: leslie Dela vega / photo
eDitors: Marian Barragan, sarah Filippi, Kathy
nguyen / photographers: JeFF Minton, platon, art
streiBer / illustrators: Jorge ColoMBo, riZon
parein / Developer: Joe ZeFF Design / Mansueto
ventures llC MarCh 2012 May 2012 oCtoBer 2012
726 Gq
Design DireCtor: FreD WooDWarD / DireCtor oF
photography: Dora soMosi / art DireCtor: Chelsea
CarDinal / Creative DireCtor, Fashion: JiM Moore /
Designers: BenJaMin Bours, anDre Jointe, John
MuñoZ, Jason sFetKo, Daniel Boone, JeFFrey KurtZ
/ photographers: Ben Watts, Ditte isager, eriC ray
DaviDson, gregory harris, seBastian KiM, paola
KuDaCKi, Danielle levitt, JaMes Mollison, terry
riCharDson, peggy sirota, Mario sorrenti, Dan
Winters / photo eDitors: Krista presteK, Justin
o’neill, Jesse lee, Jolanta Bielat, MiChael allin,
MoniCa siWieC, paloMa shutes / illustrators: Brian
Cronin, BroWn BirD Design, Jean-philippe
DelhoMMe, John ritter, Jon han, lauren taMaKi,
WarD sutton, Zohar laZar / eDitor-in-ChieF: JiM
nelson / ConDé nast puBliCations July 2012 april
2012 DeCeMBer 2012
725 726
727 727
Design DireCtor: neil JaMieson / art DireCtor:
patty alvareZ / Deputy art DireCtors: riCh
Morgan, leah Bailey, linDa tutovan / Deputy photo
eDitor: shayla hunter / assoCiate photo eDitor:
ryan Mesina / DireCtor oF photography: ryan
CaDiZ / tiMe inC. oCtoBer 2012 noveMBer 2012
DeCeMBer 2012
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292 DIGITAL MerIT App Of The yeAr
Creative DireCtor: BranDon Kavulla / Design
DireCtor: leo Jung / art DireCtors: aliCe Cho,
BraDley r hughes / Designers: rina Kushnir, viCtor
KruMMenaCher, Matt ranCatore, gus WeZereK,
eriCa loh Jones, WenDy laBra, alexanDra styC /
DireCtor oF photography: Zana WooDs / DireCtor
oF Digital Design: tiM leong / senior photo eDitor:
Carrie levy / photo eDitor: Kristen Fortier /
ContriButing photo eDitors: paloMa shutes,
Celine grouarD / viDeo eDitor: alexa inKeles /
ConDé nast puBliCations 20.09 20.10 20.11 2012
730 730
728 729
Creative DireCtor: MarCo Ferrari / art DireCtor:
Manuel ehrenFelD / strategiC Design aDvisor: Dan
hill / eDitor-in-ChieF: Joseph griMa / eDitoriale
DoMus s.p.a. DoMus 962 DoMus 963 DoMus 964 2012
729 MArThA sTeWArT LIvInG
Creative DireCtor: eriC a. piKe / art DireCtors:
leslie steiger, stephen Johnson, lilian hough /
Design DireCtor: Daniel Biasatti / DireCtor oF
photography: JenniFer Miller / photographers:
sang an, Jonathan loveKin, Johnny Miller, Maria
roBleDo, WilliaM aBranoWiCZ / Designers: CinDi
lee, Katie FielD / viDeographer: philip leaMan /
photo eDitor: allison guMBel / eDitor-in-ChieF:
pilar guZMan / Martha steWart living oMniMeDia
april 2012 May 2012 DeCeMBer 2012
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