The 5-Minute Selling System consists of two planners to help you lay out your proactive calls and follow-ups for the coming week, and two trackers where you can record your progress and success.
The 5-Minute Selling System consists of implementing any of the 16 proactive communications actions listed in this chapter and Part 4 of this book for a combined total of five minutes per day and writing down the results on the Action Tracker in this chapter.
We will use two planning tools and two tracking tools. I will introduce them in this chapter and then revisit them throughout the book where it makes sense.
The approach is to communicate with customers and prospects proactively for a combined 5 minutes per day, or 25 total minutes weekly.
You'll need to spend five to 10 additional minutes intentionally planning your week on Sunday or Monday morning. And you may need another 10 minutes weekly to write down your actions and results to track your success and additional opportunities for following up.
So if you stick to these timelines, we're looking at 55 minutes in a week. Less than an hour to do work that will dramatically increase your sales. It might shoot your sales up 50% or 100%. Is it worth less than one hour out of a 40-hour week to focus on increasing your sales that much?
Can you do more than five minutes a day? Of course. You're welcome to.
The more you communicate with customers and prospects, the more they buy. And the ...
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