25G Targets and Standardization
Hiroyuki Atarashi1, Mikio Iwamura1, Satoshi Nagata1, Takehiro Nakamura1, and Antti Toskala2
2Nokia Bell Labs, Finland
2.1 Introduction
Standards are defined in the 3rd generation partnership project (3GPP), with the actual contributions coming from members of the regional standards bodies that participate in 3GPP activity. More than 600 companies are members of 3GPP via their regional standards organizations. Before standards work begins, however, the requirements and use case are defined. This occurs on the one hand in forums like ITU‐R (International Telecommunication Union Radio sector) and on the other hand in industry forums, especially in the Next Generation Mobile Network (NGMN) Alliance. Pre‐standards research forums are also involved, for example, the projects part of the 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership (5G‐PPP) and 5G Mobile Communications Promotion Forum (5GMF), which aim to collect research inputs both from industry and academia before actual standards work begins. There are other forums that take interest in specific areas of 5G development for the next phase of 5G development, as discussed in Chapter 15. This chapter covers the key activities leading to 5G specification finalization in the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), NGMN, and 3GPP.
2.2 ITU
ITU has been contributing to international standardization of mobile ...
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