
The following exercises provide you with the opportunity to practice with algorithms in practical situations. The solutions to these exercises are found in the section Chapter 7.

  1. Use Big O notation to describe the time complexity of the following function. The function returns true if the array is a 100-sum array, and false if it is not.

    A 100-sum array meets the following criteria:

    • Its first and last numbers add up to 100.
    • Its second and second-to-last numbers add up to 100.
    • Its third and third-to-last numbers add up to 100, and so on.

      Here’s the function:

     function​ oneHundredSum(array) {
     if​ (array.length % 2 !== 0 || array.length === 0) {
     return​ ​false​;
     let​ leftIndex = 0;
     let​ rightIndex = array.length - ...

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