2 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
1.1 Introduction
IBM Host Publisher is a set of tools that provides a Web-to-host solution
designed to address the unique characteristics of the Internet. Host Publisher
Version 3.5 enables Web integration with existing 3270, 5250, VT, JDBC, and
Java applications, without requiring any changes to those existing applications
and using industry-standard HTML Web pages to support end users running
non-Java browsers.
Figure 1-1 Integration of existing legacy applications with the World Wide Web
IBM WebSphere Host Publisher allows you to create and use reusable
integration objects. Integration Objects created with Host Publisher encapsulate
the interaction and data retrieval with host applications. The created Integration
Objects can also be reused by other Host Publisher applications as well as Java
applications developed outside of Host Publisher.
IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5 offers additional platform support
and provides run-time solutions for OS/400, AIX, Windows 2000, Windows NT,
and Sun Solaris operating environments.
Chapter 1. Overview 3
Note: Host Publisher Version 3.5 is not available for z/OS or OS/390. However,
Host Publisher Version 2.2.1 CSD provides WebSphere Application Server
Version 3.5 Standard Edition support for OS/390.
In addition, WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5 for iSeries is available within
WebSphere Host Integration Solution and iSeries Access for Web products.
As illustrated in Figure 1-2, there are two major components in IBM WebSphere
Host Publisher:
򐂰 Host Publisher Studio, which provides easy-to-use tools to assist in the
creation of Web-to-host integration projects. It is available for Windows 95,
Windows 98, Windows NT and Windows 2000.
򐂰 Host Publisher Server, which consists of IBM WebSphere Application Server
(WAS) and Host Publisher runtime components. It provides the runtime
environment for executing Web applications created with the Host Publisher
Figure 1-2 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5 components
Host Publisher Server for AIX, Sun Solaris, Windows NT and Windows 2000
requires IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Version 3.5 Advanced
Edition with PTF 3, which is not provided with Host Publisher. However, a
WebSphere Advanced Edition Version 3.5 for Windows NT and Windows 2000
CD ROM is included, but for development purposes only.
Note: Host Publisher Server for iSeries requires IBM WebSphere Application
Server (WAS) Version 3.5 Standard or Advanced Editions, which are not
provided with Host Publisher.
4 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
Figure 1-3 Host Publisher component relationship (studio and server)
The most important features included in IBM WebSphere Host Publisher are:
򐂰 Support for multiple platforms.
򐂰 Ability to create host Integration Objects that can be reused within Java
development tools.
򐂰 Load balancing and hot backup: can be provided by IBM eNetwork
Dispatcher, which provides enterprise-class load balancing and hot backup of
Host Publisher servers.
Note: The IBM eNetwork Dispatcher product is no longer bundled with IBM
WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5.
򐂰 Fully customizable Web pages: this product generates fully customizable
HTML pages that the application builder can enhance using his or her favorite
HTML editor.
򐂰 Back-end data sources: this product supports the integration of applications
from 3270, 5250, Java, and JDBC-compliant databases.
Chapter 1. Overview 5
򐂰 Connection pools: user-defined connection pools are used during runtime to
cache connected, logged-on, and ready connections to improve response
򐂰 Integration Object chaining: enables you to break the application into steps to
provide greater flexibility and performance.
򐂰 IBM Host Publisher integrates multiple data sources, including host and
database applications, into a single Web page on a client's browser, making
host access transparent to the user.
򐂰 XML Legacy Gateway: it makes existing host application data available to
customer or Business Partner Java applications in an XML format. It includes
a 3270/5250 HTML Mapper that provides a load-and-go entry-level HTML
emulator within a Web browser window.
򐂰 Remote Integration Objects (RIO): it allows Integration Objects running on the
Host Publisher server to be accessed from Web clients such as Web
browsers, Java programs and XML applications written in Java, Perl, C++ and
other languages.
򐂰 National Language Support (NLS).
Figure 1-4 Internet Host Integration with Host Publisher
IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5 is designed for enterprises that need
to deliver host information via HTML to standard Web browsers. It is Java-based
and supports OS/400, AIX, Windows 2000, Windows NT, and Sun Solaris
operating systems.
Host Publisher Version 3 Release 5 includes the following new function and
򐂰 Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) support. Host Publisher delivery of EJB support
provides those who are building EJB-based applications a locatable, scalable,
Web Server and
Host Publisher
Web Browser

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