Chapter 15. Integration Objects and WebSphere Studio 443
Figure 15-47 Input Page
The server gives you the host response information. If you receive a reply as
shown in Figure 15-48, then you have successfully completed the scenario. If you
receive error messages, you will need to review them for problem determination.
Figure 15-48 Response Page
15.4 Summary
We have shown in this chapter how easy it is to integrate WebSphere Studio with
Integration Objects developed using Host Publisher. Using this integration, you
are able to combine a powerful graphical tool for creating dynamic Web pages
with a powerful and easy-to-use Host Access component.
444 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
The optimum environment for development of state-of-the art enterprise
applications involves working with all three products installed: Host Publisher to
generate Integration Objects and connection pools with existing legacy
applications, VisualAge for Java as an integrated visual development
environment for Java applications, servlets and JavaBeans, and WebSphere
Studio to develop dynamic state-of-the-art Web pages, using HTML and JSP as
well as other supported scripting languages.
As a last example, we have added a banner to the PageHTMLInput.jsp and
PageHTMLResults.jsp pages, using Websphere Studio with very little work
required on our part (see Figure 15-49, Figure 15-50 on page 445, and
Figure 15-51 on page 445).
Figure 15-49 Relations publishing view with banner
Next, we try the request again. The request page is shown in Figure 15-50 on
page 445.
Chapter 15. Integration Objects and WebSphere Studio 445
Figure 15-50 Input Page with banner
The response page is shown next in Figure 15-51.
Figure 15-51 Response Page with banner
446 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5

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