Chapter 16. Remote Integration Objects (RIO) 453
Figure 16-5 RIO files generation: details
16.3.2 RIO generated files
After using Database Access or Host Access in the Host Publisher Studio to
create Integration Objects with RIO support, the Studio generates Java
programs, sample programs, a RIO proxy JavaBean, batch files and Web pages
that will make the implementation of RIO easier for you. The use of these files will
be discussed later in this chapter.
Note: The RIO files are only generated if you selected the option to create
Remote Integration Object from the menu bar in the Host Publisher Studio.
454 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
The following is a list of the files that are automatically generated, with a short
description of each one (in this example, CICS is the name of the Integration
Object and Remote is the default prefix of the RIO proxy):
Directory of <path to Host
Table 16-1 Files generated when creating a Remote Integration Object
Directory of <path to Host
Table 16-2 RIO files
AppLoaderCICS.html HTML file to load sample,
CompileCustomAppCICS.bat Batch file to compile Java application
CreateRIOBeanJar.bat Creates a RIO Bean JAR file
CreateRIOJavaDoc.bat Batch file to create JavaDoc for the
generated Remote Integration Object
CustomAppCICS.class Compiled sample Java program Sample Java program source that calls
RIO proxy class
PkgRIOCICS.bat Batch file to package (zip) the sample
application/applet and dependent files for
transfer to client or Web server
RunCustomAppCICS.bat Batch file that executes the sample Java
StyleSheetCICS.xsl Sample client-side stylesheet that puts
data in HTML table format
XMLCICS.html HTML file to get Integration Object data in
XML format
RemoteCICS.class RIO proxy class file RIO proxy source file

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