570 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
򐂰 If you wish to use more than one XML Legacy Gateway session
simultaneously, it is recommended that you use a separate browser window
for each session.
򐂰 It is recommended that the browser window be dedicated to the XML Legacy
Gateway session. If you open an XML Legacy Gateway session and then use
the browser window for other work, it is possible that the XML Legacy
Gateway session will be interrupted.
򐂰 When using the XML Legacy Gateway for terminal emulation in Microsoft
Internet Explorer Version 5.0, do not open new browser windows using File ->
New -> Windows. This causes multiple copies of the emulation session to be
split between existing and new browser windows and will result in inaccurate
terminal-emulation output.
򐂰 Input fields in the terminal emulation feature of the XML Legacy Gateway
default to insert mode. Because of this, cursor input is inhibited when these
fields are filled with characters. (Bear in mind that a space is a valid
character.) In this case, it is necessary to press the Insert key to toggle the
field to overwrite mode.
򐂰 With some Web browsers, it is possible that text cut or copied from the XML
Legacy Gateway window and pasted into a text file will be misaligned.
18.3 HTML to Host sample program
Host Publisher 3.5 provides a sample program that shows you how to use the
XML interface to write servlets that can interact with host applications. You can
modify this sample to create a servlet that manipulates host application XML
data-handling techniques. To do this, the sample code uses two Host
Publisher-supplied JavaBeans.
򐂰 The first bean is called HostConnection bean, and it allows a program to
acquire and release session beans using the Host Publisher Server runtime
򐂰 The second bean is called the xmlAppData Bean, and it provides the XML
interface to the host application windows.
The sample code uses these two beans and the XSL processor that comes with
IBM WebSphere to translate the XML data into HTML format. This transformation
can give you insight into how you can use XSL processing to render XML data on
devices that have different display criteria.
The sample code implements a subset of the functionality that comes with the
Host Publisher XML Legacy Gateway feature. This feature allows users to view
and interact with host application windows in a Web browser.

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