© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001 709
3270 1
5250 1
administration 6
access 70
applications 73, 87
connection pools 72
connections 72
delete unused files 90
deployed applications 88
display information 83
display terminal 97
license usage 73
licenses 72
log 100
logging 92
pool definition 76
pool definitions 72
pooled connections 75
problem determination 91
properties 109
refresh 72
remove applications 89
restart 72
securing access 102
select a host 70
server status 72
Server traces 94
stop 72
Studio traces 94
trace files 100
traces 93
troubleshooting 101
user list members 73, 85
user lists 72, 84
XML Legacy Gateway 102
administration functions 69
advanced screen recognition 6
Apache 21
applets 7
C++ 5, 482
Certificate Authority 647
chaining 5, 6, 345
cloning 6, 593
adding aliases 615
adding host aliases 615
application considerations 600
cataloging 613
CPU utilization 593
creating clones 610
creating horizontal clones 612
creating vertical clones 602
horizontal cloning 595
Host Publisher model 618
Integration Object chaining 601
JVM 595
monitoring clone activity 626
Open Systems Environment 596
OSE 596
port numbers 621
properties files 621
remote OSE 596
session persistence 606, 620
transport type 618
vertical cloning 595
composite applications 319
combining output 320
connect macro 329
connection pooling 329
data macro 331, 332
disconnect macro 330
interactive composite application 334
sample scenario 328
sequencing IOs between non-adjacent pages
sequencing IOs on multiple pages 323
sequencing IOs on single page 321
conditional macros
alternate path 274
JSP application 283
JSP appplication 295
macros 277, 289
710 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
main path 274
overview 274
recording 275
sample applications 274
sample scenario 276, 287
connect macro 202
connection pool 5
connection pooling
3270 applications 118
acquiring a connection 119
busy time 124
configuration 121
connection pools 122
connections 117
display 142
host connection 118
idle time 124
logon 118
monitoring 142
new connection pool 121
number of connections 125
overview 118
pooled connection 125
releasing a connection 120
time-out 127
user IDs 127
user list 127
customized templates 253
data sources 4, 5
database 149
database access 1
database applications 5
database Integration Objects
application pages 191
composite applications 196
connect 160
connection pools 162
create 169
Database Access 149
database applications 158
database connection 162
DB2 Installation 152
DB2 sample database 157
deploy 194
error page 190
execution page 193
input page 192
Java Database Conectivity 151
JDBC 151
new application 179
overview 150
preview 191
run the application 195
sample scenario 160
SQL statement 177
transfer 194
troubleshooting 197
Database Passwords 370
default templates 253
deploying applications 366
disconnect macro 202
distributed administration 70
Domino 21
EJB 5, 9
EJB Access Bean 504
EJB application support
Access Beans 504
application components 505
asynchronous 513, 532
blocking 513
chaining 514
classpath directive 517
EJB Access Bean 507, 508
EJB Access Beans 504
EJB applications 507
Helper object 507
Host Publisher EJB 505, 507
Host Publisher Studio 507
Integration Objects 504
JavaServer Page (JSP) 513
jetace tool 561
local JSPs 514
non-blocking 513
overview 504
remote Integration Objects 504
remote JSPs 513, 520
sample JSP 515
sample scenario 518
sample scenarios 513
session stateful EJB 559
session stateless 559
Index 711
stand alone Java application 513
synchronous 513, 526
user EJBs 537
EJB containers 506
EJB-based applications 5
Encryption Algorithm 369
Enterprise JavaBean 9
Enterprise JavaBeans 5
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) 503
Entity EJBs 9
Express logon 6
global screens 202
host access 199
host Integration Objects
AS/400 200
connect macro 202, 207
connection 200
connection pools 201
CS/390 200
data extraction 236
data format 231
data macro 202, 226, 237
data table 234
default connection pool 204
define screen 211
disconnect macro 202, 238
existing pool 204
extract data 233
Gather Data 227
global screen 210
global screens 202, 244
host access toolbar 241
host applications 200
host configuration 201
initial screen 201
key mapping 250
keyboard mappings 249
macros 201
new pool 204
overview 200
play another macro 252
pools 202
region 219
screen definition 209
screen recognition 222
text extraction 232
Host Passwords 374
Host Publisher 2, 698
Host Publisher application 303
Host Publisher applications 2
building the application 305
create a new application 304
error page 316
input page 309
output data 312
output page 315
output values 313
sample scenario 304
save the application 318
Host Publisher Server 3, 507
Host Publisher Studio 3
hot backup 4
HTTP Server 21
IBM VisualAge for Java 382
IIS 21
installation 35
FTP 37
IBM HTTP Web Server 38
software requirements 36
Windows 2000 36
Windows NT 36
Integration Object chaining
first Integration Object 348
last Integration Object 349
middle Integration Object 348
overview 346
recording macros 348
sample scenario 350
using chaining 350
Integration Objects 149
interactive development environment 6
iPlanet Enterprise Server 21
J2EE server 506
Java 5, 482
Java applications 7, 301
712 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
Java Server Pages (JSPs) 302
JavaBean 8
JavaBeans 8
JavaServer Pages 6, 301
JDK 506
jetace tool 561
JSPMigrator 60
Keyboard settings 6
legacy applications 1
Load balancing 4
load balancing 6, 593
load balancing capabilities 6
logon 6
looping 255
Macro Editor 245
macro looping
application 265
connect macro 257
creating a loop 259
data macro 258
disconnect macro 264
input page 266
input variables 258
output page 266
overview 256
sample scenario 257
migration 59
command line 60, 66
Host Publisher Server 60, 63
Host Publisher Studio 60
Introduction 60
JavaServer Pages Version 0.91 59
JavaServer Pages Version 1.0 59
JSPMigrator 60, 63
page directives 62
tags 62
multiple platforms 4
National Language Support 5
Network Dispatcher 597
NT 2
operating environments 2
OS/400 2
Perl 5, 482
pooling 117
Redbooks Web site 698
Contact us xvi
Remote Integration Objects 5, 447
C++ 447
client side stylesheets 463
components 448
environment 448
files 453
Java 447
Java applications 471
overview 448
Perl 447
properties 451
proxy 451
proxy asynchronous callback 476
proxy interface 473
proxy synchronous call 475
RIO access 468
RIO clients 462
RIO XML interface 450
RIOServlet 455
sample program 480
secure connections 483
security issues 472
server side support 455
server-side style sheets 465
Studio support 450
transcoding 463
XML applications 482
XML format 460
XML Legacy Gateway 450
XML stylesheets 463

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