Chapter 4. Administration 107
Figure 4-30 WebSphere Security Login window
When the WebSphere Application Server security is enabled, you will not be able
to access the Host Publisher Administrator resources unless you type a valid
user ID and password, as shown in Figure 4-31.
108 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
Figure 4-31 Invalid user ID and/or password message
The following Host Publisher Server Administration operations require the user
ID and password:
򐂰 Starting the server
򐂰 Restarting the server
򐂰 Shutting down the server
򐂰 Deploying applications
򐂰 Removing applications
򐂰 Deleting files
򐂰 Changing the number of licenses
򐂰 Deleting a connection
򐂰 Updating passwords on a user list

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