Chapter 22
Image Synthesis
The Mandelbrot set is an interesting mathematical object that owes much
of its popularity to the computer programs that create images of it.
Listing 22.1: Mandelbrot Set
1 #
2 from image import ImagePPM
4 def lerp(frac, low, high):
5 return low + frac
(high - low)
7 def testpoint(c, maxreps):
8 z = 0
9 reps = 0
10 while abs(z) < 2 and reps < maxreps:
11 z = z
2 + c
12 reps += 1
13 frac = reps / maxreps
14 return (0, 0, int(lerp(frac, 0, 255)))
16 def mandelbrot(xint, yint, size, maxreps):
17 width, height = size
18 img =
19 for i in range(width):
20 for j in range(height):
21 a = lerp(i / width, xint[0], ...
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