Chapter 28
Graphical User Interfaces
Most software written today uses a graphical user interface (GUI) rather
than the text-based interface we have used in most of our examples. In this
chapter, we rewrite the Chuck-a-Luck program from Chapter 24 to use a
graphical interface.
Listing 28.1: Chuck-a-Luck (GUI Version)
1 #
3 from dicegui import DiceGUI
4 from tkinter import
6 class ChuckALuckGUI(Frame):
7 def __init__(self, parent):
8 Frame.__init__(self, parent)
9 parent.geometry("500x300")
10 parent.title("Chuck-A-Luck")
11 self.dice = DiceGUI(3, self)
12 self.dice.pack(fill="y", expand=True)
13 self.score = 0
14 self.makecontrols()
15 self.makescore() ...
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