R Codes

  1. %*%
  2. ->
  3. ->>
  4. <-
  5. <<-
  6. *
  7. =
  8. ==
  9. ?
  10. ACSWR
    1. pareto_quantile
  11. Arith
  12. BHH2
    1. anovaPlot
  13. Binom_Sim
  14. Complex
  15. Control
  16. ConvergenceConcepts
  17. DAAG
    1. socsupport
  18. Ehrenfest
  19. Expectation_NNRV_Unif
  20. Geom_Sim
  21. HSAUR2
    1. USairpollution
  22. ICSNP
    1. HotellingsT2
  23. IQR
    1. for h*
  24. ISwR
    1. energy
  26. LRNormal2Mean
  27. LRNormalMean_KV
  28. LRNormalVariance_UM
  29. LearnBayes
  30. LearnEDA
    1. lval
  31. MASS
    1. anorexia
    2. medpolish
    3. michelson
  32. MPNormal
  33. MPPoisson
  34. MPbinomial
  35. NA
  36. POSIXct
  37. Poisson_Sim
  38. R2WinBUGS
  39. RSADBE
    1. octane
  40. Random_Permutation
  41. Rcmdr
  42. Ripley2.2
  43. Rscript
  44. ST_Ordered
  45. ST_Unordered
  46. Special
  47. Sys.time
  48. Trig
  49. TukeyHSD
  50. UMPExponential
  51. UMPNormal
  52. UsingR
    1. galton
  53. VGAM
    1. dpareto
  54. View
  55. WelchBF
  56. abline
  57. abs
  58. addrv
    1. roll die
  59. adhocBF
  60. aggregate
  61. agricolae
    1. BIB.test
    2. design.graeco
    3. design.lsd
    4. granova.1w
  62. anova
  63. aov
  64. aperm
  65. aplpack
    1. faces
    2. stem.leaf.backback
  66. apply
  67. as
  68. as.Date
    1. 13th of a month, probability
  69. as.character
  70. as.expression
  71. as.factor
  72. as.matrix
  73. as.name
  74. as.numeric
  75. assign
  76. backwardlm
  77. barplot
    1. beside=TRUE
  78. base
  79. biplot
  80. boot
    1. aircondit
    2. boot function
    3. nerve
  81. boot
  82. boxcox
  83. boxplot
    1. notch
  84. bquote
  85. cancor
  86. cards
  87. case.names
  88. cbind
  89. chisq.test
  90. choose
    1. binomial likelihood function
  91. chron
    1. days
  92. class
  93. colClasses
  94. colMeans
  95. colnames
  96. colSums
  97. combn
  98. complete.cases
  99. confint
  100. contour
  101. cookd
  102. cooks.distance
  103. cor
  104. cov
  105. cov2cor
  106. covratio
  107. cumsum
    1. birthday probability
    2. Feller condition
      1. normal IID
  108. curve
    1. shady normal curves
  109. cut
  110. data.entry
  111. data.frame
    1. coin tossing
  112. datasets
    1. AirPassengers
    2. HairEyeColor
    3. InsectSprays
    4. Titanic
    5. UCBAdmissions
    6. VADeaths
    7. anscombe
    8. faithful
    9. galton

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