Aadhaar, 1
Accenture, 123
accountability, 7, 139–142, 164–165, 191
advertising, 47
Advocate Health Care, 88
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 145
aide-mémoires, 7–8, 134–135, 169–191
company fortification, 179–184
cyber risk management, 173–178
Amazon Prime, 42
Amazon Web Services, 123
American Chemical Council, 33
Amoroso, Edward, 52
Anonymous, 96
anti-malware technology, 19–21
antivirus software, 20, 66, 102, 110
AP MollerMaersk, 93
application whitelisting, 20–22
Ashley Madison, 54
asymmetry of attack and defense, 31, 43–46
AT&T, 52
bad news, communication of, 142–145
Baidu Yunpan, 27
Bangladesh Bank, 1
Beresford, ...
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