
Aadhaar, 1

Accenture, 123

accountability, 7, 139142, 164165, 191

advertising, 47

Advocate Health Care, 88

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 145

aide-mémoires, 78, 134135, 169191

company fortification, 179184

crisis leadership, 185191

cyber risk management, 173178

Amazon Prime, 42

Amazon Web Services, 123

American Chemical Council, 33

Amoroso, Edward, 52

AMSC, 95, 157

Anonymous, 96

anti-malware technology, 1921

antivirus software, 20, 66, 102, 110

AP MollerMaersk, 93

Apple, 27, 40

application whitelisting, 2022

Ashley Madison, 54

asymmetry of attack and defense, 31, 4346

AT&T, 52

auditors, 3435

automation, 8384, 9091

backups, 44, 127

bad news, communication of, 142145

Baidu Yunpan, 27

Bangladesh Bank, 1

Beresford, ...

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