Resumé of Stephen King’s Life
1. Born:
25 February 1931 in Melton Mowbray.
2. Educated:
Oxford University, 1951-55.
MA degree in Greats (philosophy and ancient history)
3. Business career:
1955-57Publicity Assistant, Mond Nickel Co., London.
1957Marketing Department, J.Walter Thompson Ltd, London.
1964Set up and ran Advertising Research Unit, JWT.
1965Set up and ran New Product Development Unit, JWT.
1967Chairman of JWT Research and Development Committee.
1968Set up and ran Account Planning Department, JWT.
1969Appointed Board Director, JWT.
1976Set up and ran Development Group, JWT.
1979Appointed Chairman of newly-formed market research group, MRB International.
1989Non-executive Director of WPP Group.
1992Non-executive Director of Henley Centre.
4. Clients worked with:
Associated Biscuits, Beechams, Berger Paints, British
Nutrition Foundation, Bowater-Scott, Committee of London
Clearing Bankers, Findus, Golden Wonder, Guinness, Kraft,
Kellogg’s, John Harvey & Sons, Lever Brothers, Mr Kipling,
Oxo, RHM, St Ivel, Schweppes, Taunton Cider, TSB,
Windmill Bakery.
5. External Activities:
1970Member of IPA Marketing Committee (Chairman of Advertising Evaluation Working Party)
1977-78Member of Ministry of Agriculture’s JCO Working Party on the Scientific Basis of Food Choice.
1979-81On panel of judges for Market Research Society’s Special Award
1980-84On panel of judges for IPA Advertising Effectiveness ...

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