Chapter 1Introduction
The energy scene in the world is a complex picture of a variety of energy sources being used to meet growing energy needs. However, there is a gap in the demand and supply position. It is recognized that decentralizing generation based on the various renewable energy technologies can help in meeting growing energy needs. Renewable energy landscapes in India during the last few years have witnessed tremendous changes in policy framework with accelerated and ambitious plans to increase the contribution of renewable energy such as solar, wind, bio-power, etc. Concentrated solar thermal and biomass powers have good potential for power generation and/or process heat in the industrial sector from renewable energy.
The launching of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) symbolizes both and indeed encapsulates the vision and ambition for the future of solar energy in India. The cost of power produced from Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) is becoming competitive with conventional energy sources with the development of technologies [1].
As capacity of CSP with heat energy storage is growing rapidly, hybridization with CSP is receiving more attention due to low levels of insolation in this country. The demand for biomass is increasing for use as solid fuels, such as wood pellets. It is the power generation potential of biomass, however, which has recently attracted greater attention. On the other hand, biomass power plants should have a secured supply of ...
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