Memories, 21
Memory. See also Key memory numbers;
Library blocks
computer lighting console and, 229
computer lighting console reviewing,
230–232, 231f
nomenclature, 25–26
numerical mnemonics for structuring,
programming computer lighting console,
newer, recording contents of, 338
programming computer lighting
console, older, recording contents of,
Metal halide lamps (HMI), 29
Mids, 204
Monitor rows, 137–138, 137f
Mood, 46
Movement cue master, 268, 269f
Movement of production, 77–78
parameters and, 95
Moving Lights, 34, 34f.
See also specific Moving Lights
budget decisions regarding, 92–93
control of, 34
Multicable (Mults), 18
hot test with, 342
Multiplier block, 208
Multipliers, 147
Mults. See Multicable
Near objects, 3, 3f
Near side, 3, 3f
Neutral, 15
Non-union contract, 82, 83f
Note taking, 57
director meetings and, 67–69
performance and, 404
run-throughs and, 299–300
site survey and, 109–110
treatments and, 60
Notes block, 201
Numbering systems
hanging positions and, 6–7
methodology for, 7
Numerical mnemonics, 232
Off-line editing programs, 35
Offstage, 3, 3f
position the booms, 329–330, 330f
Off-the-map-points, 208
One-on-one meetings, 57, 64
scheduling and, 66
One-to-one patch, 335
On-line visualization programs, 35
Onstage, 3, 3f
position the booms, 329–330, 330f
Opaque drops, 5
Opening, 45, 403
masking and, 5–6
Opening sequence, 26
Operating line, 4
Opposite side, 3, 3f
Opto-isolator, 17
Orchestra pit, 3, 205, 209
Organic configuration, 2
Origin of show, 77–78
parameters and, 95
Orphans, focus tips for, 359–360
Out trim, 208
Overhead backlight, focus session,
385–387, 386f, 387f, 388f
Overhead bridges, 6
Overhead downlight, focus session,
383–385, 384f, 385f, 386f
Overhead electric placement, 142–144,
143f, 201, 209
focus session and, 374–377, 377f
masking and accuracy of, 144
Overhead frontlight, 377–378, 377f,
378f, 379f
Overhead pipes, 6
Overhead scenic stack, focus session,
Overhead sidelight, 9–10
focus session for, 378–381, 379f, 380f,
walls and, 10
Overhead striplight electric, 13–14
Overhead template wash, 14–15
focus point groundplans with, 250,
focus session for, 382–383, 382f, 383f,
Overhead work notes, 415
Overloaded circuit, 19
Ownership clause, 80
Paperwork. See Confirm paperwork
distribution; Document(s)
PAR. See Parabolic aluminized reflector
Parabolic aluminized reflector (PAR),
31, 31f
Parabolic reflector, 29, 29f
Parallel circuit, 16
Parameters, 48. See also Budget;
Contract; Production schedule
budget cuts redefining, 180–181
communication and, 93–94
determining, 77–78
movement of production affecting, 95
origin of show affecting, 95
performance facility affecting, 96–110
presentation type/size and, 94–95
transportation affecting, 95–96
Park function, 335
PC. See Plano-Convex instrument
PD. See Power distribution box
PDFs, 53
Performance, 45
lighting designer’s viewing location for,
428, 428–429
note taking during, 404
time periods before, 403–406
Performance area, 3
Performance area groundplans, spike
marks in, 247, 248f
Performance facility, 2
checklist to define, 99–100
gear used for documenting, 104–105
lighting package impacted by, 96
parameters affected by, 96–110
site survey for, 100
Performance space
measuring, 104
measuring sequence for, 105–107,
105f, 106f
measuring tactics for, 104–105
photographs of, 107–108
Performance surfaces, 6
placing, 44
spike marks without, 323–324
Performer crossover, 122–123
Performer light, 8
Peripheral lighting, 153–154
Perishable list, 113
categories of, 166–167
example, 167, 167f
Perishable order, 48–49
Perishables, 157
budget and, 90–91
labeling, 167–168
prepping rental lighting package and,
terminology of, 166
Phase, 15
advance, 107f, 108, 108f
focus cues/focus points and digital,
258–259, 259f
of performance space, 107–108
time constraints and, 108–109
Piano boards, 16–17
Pickup, 419
Piece, 48
example, 58–60
Pile-on submasters, 241–242, 241f, 242f
Pin spot, 418
Pipe end(s), 10
focus point groundplans with, 250,
light plot example with, 204
sidelight, 210
Pipe end template system, 204
Pipe pocket, 4
Pipes, 208
Plano-Convex instrument (PC), 31, 31f
Plasma light source, 29
Plaster line, 2, 3f, 200, 205
Playing area, 3
“Playing positions,”, 345
Plotting, 139–144. See also Light plot
documents used in, 146
guidelines, 139–140
slinky formula and, 140–142
Plugging boxes, 18
Plugging strips, 18
Plugs, 18
constructing, 18
Point cues, 232
Position breakdown, 293
Position channel check, 423
Position summary, 201
Position the booms
downstage, 330–333, 331f, 333f
onstage/offstage, 329–330, 330f
preparing to, 329–333
upstage, 330–333, 331f, 332f, 333f
Positioning process, 44

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