10 Vision Problems

This final chapter presents a series of computer vision application problems which are possible to solve using the theory (and practice) presented in this text. Images and videos for these problems are provided in the electronic resources accompanying the text.

10.1 Baby Food

On a production line cans of baby food are made by:

  1. Fabricating the sides and lid of the can together but omitting the base of the can.
  2. Dropping a spoon into the empty upside-down can.
  3. Pouring the baby food (powder) into upside-down the can.
  4. Sealing the base onto the can.

You are asked to develop an inspection system looking at the can between steps 2 and 3 in order to check that a single spoon has been placed into it (see Figure 10.1).


Figure 10.1 Sample baby food can images from the production just after the spoon has been dropped into the can. Examples of no spoon, one spoon and two spoons are shown

10.2 Labels on Glue

On a production line for bottles of glue it is necessary to perform a number of inspection tests (see Figure 10.2):

  1. Check that each bottle has a label.
  2. Check that the label on the bottle is straight.
  3. Check that the label is not torn or folded.

Figure 10.2 Sample images of bottles of glue are shown some without labels and some with crooked (or damaged labels). ...

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