Chapter 6Setting up the Development Environment
Now that we have settled on the major ideas behind our HiTL application, it is time to begin the actual implementation. To do so, we first have to set up the proper development environment. Please note that this tutorial was devised from within a Windows 7 OS and, as such, most screenshot images refer to this OS. Nevertheless, the tools used for these tutorials should also support most Linux distributions, Windows 7, 8, and 10, as well as MacOSX.
In the current chapter we will go through the various phases needed for setting up the development environment. These comprise installing the Android software development kit, cloning the HappyWalk Android project, deploying the server, and testing the basic sample app. The following sections describe each of these phases in detail.
6.1 Installing Android Studio
Android applications are developed through Android Studio (AS). This tutorial was written using version 2.1.3 of AS and, as such, we strongly recommend downloading and using this version since newer versions may introduce discrepancies and incompatibilities. In this section we will perform the necessary tasks to properly install this IDE, including installing the Java SE Development kit, AS, and Android SDK.
At the time of writing, AS 2.1.3 requires the Java Development Kit (JDK) 7; in particular, we used Java SE Development Kit 7u79, which can be downloaded from ...
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