
Absolute value, 107–109

Abusive monopoly, 205

Achievement, 16

Adam’s marginal benefit curve for apples, 78–79

Adam’s Ribs, 240

Adverse selection, 194

Advertising elasticity of demand, 106

After-tax income, 48

After-tax revenues, 54

Agricultural price support, 97

unintended effects of guaranteed, 97–98

Agricultural Revolution, 278

Agriculture Bill, 55, 273

Airbags, 195

Akerlof, George, 196

Alcoholic beverage control (ABC), 225

Allocative efficiency, 16, 191192, 222, 243, 260

Anchoring, 27

Anti-lemon laws, 197

Antitrust actions, 224

Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice, 224, 256

Artificial barrier to entry, 205206

Artificial monopoly, 206, 250

Asymmetrical information, 193

Atmospheric pollution, 262

Average Fixed Cost (AFC), ...

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