© Gayathri Rajagopalan 2021
G. RajagopalanA Python Data Analyst’s Toolkithttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6399-0_6

6. Prepping Your Data with Pandas

Gayathri Rajagopalan1  
Bangalore, India

With the explosion of the Internet, social networks, mobile devices, and big data, the amount of data available is humongous. Managing and analyzing this data to derive meaningful inferences can drive decision making, improve productivity, and reduce costs. In the previous chapter, you learned about NumPy – the library that helps us work with arrays and perform computations, also serving as the backbone for the Pandas library that we discuss in this chapter. Pandas, the Python library for data wrangling, has the advantage of being a powerful tool with many ...

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