
3 dB exchange rate, 52, 54


Abbreviations for units or terms in engineering, 130164

Absolute zero, 91

Absorption coefficient, 110 Acceleration, 89

Acoustic measurements, 21, 24, 31 Acoustic pressure vs. SPL, 105

Acoustic waveforms, 4

Acoustic wavelengths, 2829

Acoustical testing, 347

common factors of, 3136

human perception, 4244

measurement systems, 1719

methodical approach, 3842

polarity, 4447

preparation, 2342

sound level measurements, 417

testing methods, 1923

AES standards. See Audio Engineering Society standards

%Alcons, 4244, 107108

Amplitude, 89

Anechoic measurements, 20

Audio Engineering Society (AES) standards, 117, 119124

Audio frequency range, 117, 126

Audio practitioners, 8, 26

Audio standards

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