

a priori models 151, 173

absolute index

in confirmatory factor analysis 214, 226

in path analysis 144–146, 160, 164

in structural equation modeling 267, 282

adjusted correlation matrix 52

ALL option, CALIS procedure 128

ALPHA option, CORR procedure 101

analyses of covariance structures

See structural equation modeling


bivariate normal distribution

in exploratory factor analysis 95

in principal component analysis 41

Bonferroni correction 242


CALIS procedure

about 108, 201–202

ALL option 128

checking output from 138–149, 206–213

correlation matrix and 200

COV option 127–128

COV statement 126, 135–137, 205, 260

COVARIANCE option 127–128

DATA= option 128

estimating sample size requirements 114–115

FCONV= option 128

general form 127

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