
Process: Appendix Form:
Collect Requirements Output Figure A-1: Requirements Documentation
Collect Requirements Output Figure A-2: Requirements Traceability Matrix
Define Scope Output Figure A-3: Assumption and Constraint Log
Create WBS Output Figure A-4: WBS Dictionary
Define Activities Output Figure A-5: Activity Attributes
Estimate Activity Resources Output Figure A-6: Resource Breakdown Structure
Estimate Activity Durations Output Figure A-7: Activity Duration Estimates
Estimate Costs Output Figure A-8: Cost Estimating Worksheet
Plan Human Resource Management T & T Figure A-9: Responsibility Assignment Matrix
Plan Communications Management Output Figure A-10: Communications Management Plan
Identify Risks (Output) Figure A-11: Risk Register
Identify Risks (Output) Figure A-12: Risk Data Sheet
Plan Procurement Management Output Figure A-13: Procurement Management Plan
Develop Project Team Tool and Technique Figure A-14: Team Operating Agreement
Perform Integrated Change Control Output Figure A-15: Change Request
Close Project or Phase Output Figure A-16: Lessons Learned
Close Project or Phase Output Figure A-17: Project Close-Out
Close Procurements Tool and Technique Figure A-18: Procurement Audit


Figure A-1 Requirements Documentation



Figure A-2 Requirements Traceability ...

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