

A/A test, 9192

Abandonment, 2021

ABC Family, 3638

A/B tests, 8

A/B testing, 8

on Clinton Bush Haiti Fund website, 2530

and redesign, 4245

A/B testing optimization, 1932

and constructing a hypothesis, 2430

and defining success, 1922

and identifying bottlenecks, 2324

and testing, 31

Action-oriented language:

and framing, 69

passive vs., 66

Activity feed, changes in, 7678

Adidas, 104, 106, 111, 148

Advocates, as component of successful team, 115

Agencies, 95

Alami, Ali, 151

Alexa Top 200, 76

Allen, Lizzie, 106108, 115

“Always Be Testing,” 124

Amazon, 90, 157

Anchoring techniques, 151

Automatic updates, 9293

Avalanche Technology Group, 5255

AVG, 53


Banks, Sara, 68

Bed Bath & Beyond, 52

Big bang launch, 42

Blettner, Jeff, 65

Bottlenecks, identifying, 2324

Brainstorming, 62

Budgetary limitations, 94

Built-in features (SaaS), 92

Bush, George W., 25

Business models, changing, 3941


Call-to-action clicks, 22

CareerBuilder, 104105, 112114, 125

Cent pricing, 150

Change, resistance to, 42

Checkout, 104

Checkout funnel, 52

Choices, reducing, see Reducing choices

Chrome Industries, 3839, 7980, 140

Click-through rate, 145

Clinton, Bill, 25

Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, 2529, 4950, 6162

Clinton Foundation, 25

Colli, Jarred, 103, 104, 124

Comments, as metric, 22

Communication, 105106

Community, 93

Competitive pricing, 148

Conversion(s), 2122

identifying, 21

macro-, 2122

micro-, 22

of mobile users, 158

Cost-plus pricing, 148

Cost Plus World Market, 5253

Creativity, ...

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