■ Further Reading and Resources


On Alternative Approaches Generally

Imperato, Gina. 1998 (September).”Ta les of To morrow.” Fast Company, pp. 145–56.

Scholtes, Peter R. 1998. The Leader’s Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill (chapter 9).

Appraisals and Their Effects on the Organization and People

Block, Peter. 1993. Stewardship. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.

Chen, Chao C., and Nancy DiTo maso. 1996. “Performance Appraisal and Demographic Diversity: Issues Regarding Appraisals, Appraisers, and Appraising.” In Managing Diversity, eds. Ellen Ernst Kossek and Sharon A. Lobel. Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, pp. 137–63.

Murphy, Kevin R., and Jeannette N. Cleveland. 1995. Understanding Performance Appraisal. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage.

Nickols, Fred. ...

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