Restore button, 69
Restore Down, 76
Rew button, 87
rewinding TV, 87
ripping CDs, 186-188
rotating digital photos, 236, 257, 269
RTM (release to manufacturing) version,
upgrading from, 330
S-video cables, 22
S-video-to-composite-video adapters, 23-24
Sample Videos folder, 46
satellite broadband Internet connections, 17
satellites, 15
saturation option, special effects (Microsoft
Picture It!), 275-276
Save Movie File command (File menu), 148
Save Movie Wizard, 147
My TV recordings, VCDs, 177
video, Windows Movie Maker, 147-148
Scan for Updates button, 331
Scanner and Camera Wizard, 236-238
scanner images, adding to digital photos
(Microsoft Picture It!), 272
About Guide Data, EPG (electronic program
guide), 101-102
Download Method, 314
Edit Guide Listings, 97
Now Playing, 194
Picture Details, 254
Picture Navigation control, 257
Picture Rotation control, 257
Play Slide Show control, 257
Print control, 258
Touch Up control, 255-257
Privacy Settings, 294-295
Sound Settings, 290
screensavers, downloading, 337-338
scrolling EPG (electronic program guide),
Search tab, 202
mouse, EPG (electronic program guide), 106
Music Search feature, 202
remote control, 102
Categories option, 103-104
entering text, 104
Keyword option, 105
Titles option, 104
results, TV recording, 109-110, 114-115
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 304-305
Privacy Settings screen, 294-295
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 304-305
Send Usage Data option (Privacy Settings
screen), 295
series (TV), recording, 112-115
Set Up Internet Connection wizard, 304-305
setting up
connections, 26
entertainment components, 28-29
PC components, 27
speakers, 30-31
video quality, 31
Internet connections, 36-37
extra parts, 21-26
included parts, 20-21
remote control, 35-36
Settings button, 214
Settings screen, 45
SFF (small form factor) platforms, 348-350
shapes, adding to digital photos (Microsoft
Picture It!), 272
Shared Pictures folder, 235
Shared Video folder, 43, 128, 131-132
Sharpen or Blur option (Microsoft Picture It!),
digital photos, 243-246
digital video, watching, 132-133
channel changing, 74
DVD menus, 75
media playback, 75
menu access, 74
navigation, 73-74
TV features, 88
TV menus, 75
Show Pictures in Subfolders setting,
slideshow display order, 250
Show Type option (Advanced Recording), 115
shrinking Media Center, 69
shuffling music selections, 197
shutdown, 69
signals (TV), setting up, 37-38
sites. See Web sites
skins, downloading, 337
Skip button, 87, 214
skipping Radio, 214
skipping TV, 87
Slide Show view, 260
slide shows
animated, Windows XP guided tour, 46
audio, adding, 247
background colors, 251
display order, 250
launching, 246-247
playing, 257
song information, displaying, 251
transitions, 248-249
small form factor (SFF) platforms, 348-350
soft edges, adding to digital photos
(Microsoft Picture It!), 273
Advanced Tag Editor, 191
DVDs, 161, 169
games, 340-342
My Karaoke, 339-340
updates, 47
Solitaire option (Microsoft PowerToys), 334
downloading, 337
music collections, sorting, 200
Songs tab, 200
Sonic category (Online Spotlight), 326
Sony/Philips Digital Interface (SPDIF), 23
Sort by Date tab, 129, 242
Sort by Name tab, 129, 241
Sort By tab, 103, 129
digital photos, 230, 241-242
digital videos, 128-129
EPG (electronic program guide), 96-97
music collections, 196
albums, 197
artists, 197-199
genres, 201-203
keywords, 202
playlists, 200
songs, 200
presets, Radio, 214
sound. See audio
Sounds Settings screen, 290
SPDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface), 23
speakers, connecting, 30-31
special effects, adding to digital photos
(Microsoft Picture It!), 275-276
Split button, 143
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 304-305
Start button, 69
Start FM button, 211
Start menu, adding applications, 60
Start option (Advanced Recording), 116
stations (Radio), Internet, 210-214, 220
adding to My Music, 221-222
Radio presets, 222-224
Stop button, 87, 213
Stop option (Advanced Recording), 116
stopping Radio, 213
stopping TV, 87
digital photos, 235-237
recorded TV files, 307-309
TV recording, 117
video, Windows Movie Maker, 147-148
How can we make this index more useful? Email us at indexes@quepublishing.com

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